写作 & 思想研究所

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02025年写作 & 思想院会议.png



This page shares writing assignments developed by the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Faculty Fellows who participated in the 写作 & 思想研究所.

The assignments in the ePortfolios below showcase a wide variety of approaches for using writing in the classroom for teaching disciplinary content and critical thinking. These assignments are shared to inspire faculty at SAC in their use of writing to engage their students in active learning and critical thinking.

请联系博士. L. 伦尼欧文 with any questions about these assignments or the WTI.

2023 WTI学院研究员电子投资组合

Dr. 卡拉·莫瑞,学生发展部

Dr. 伊丽莎白·加尔扎,护士

Dr. 丽莎·拉莫斯,历史系
Dr. 乔纳森·格罗斯海姆,解剖学 & 生理学


Suzanne Martinez,政府部门
Dr. L. 伦尼欧文, 英语

Myra Navarro,刑事司法

2024 WTI学院研究员电子投资组合

Dr. 人文学科维罗妮卡·莫里森 & 英语

Dora Pena, rtf通讯公司
Lauryn Nicole Rosas, Student Development
Dr. Daniel B. 弗洛雷斯,小.、护理



丽贝卡·沃森,解剖学 & 生理学


P.M. Deadrick、解剖学 & 生理学


2024年春季写作 & 思想院会议

囊写作 & 思想研究所 (WTI) promotes the use of writing as an instructional tool for learning and critical thinking across the curriculum at 圣安东尼奥学院. It supports Student Success in Disciplinary Learning and the Marketable Skills of Communication and Critical Thinking.

The primary goal of the WTI is Student Success and the development of students’ communication and critical thinking skills needed to be successful in college and career. Its goal is to promote student engagement in deep learning through writing. 为教师, the WTI’s goal is the advancement of skills for using writing effectively to teach their content, as well as for teaching communication and critical thinking skills. The WTI will also enhance the 写作 Center’s position as a campus 学习中心 supporting learning in all disciplines.

加入我们的2024年春季写作 & 思想院会议!
在这次会议上, you will learn ways to use writing as an instructional tool for learning and critical thinking across the curriculum.

写作 & 思想研究所
写作 & 思想研究所 is a year-long professional development course for a selected group of faculty to learn and employ principles and strategies for using writing across the curriculum. During this course, faculty will share best practices with their colleagues. Topics of the course include: 1) principles of write-to-learn, 2) approaches to using informal and formal writing assignments (including research writing), 3) strategies for using writing to engage students in critical thinking and deep learning, and 4) elements of effective writing assignment design.

这些教员将会写作 & 思想研究所 Fellows for the year, and will engage in 30 hours of professional development over two semesters. WTI Fellows receive a stipend for participating and are responsible for creating a deliverable each semester and sharing this new or revised lesson with other faculty. Select students and 写作 Center tutors will also be invited to attend two to four sessions to add their perspective to the curriculum.

Applications for next year’s WTI Fellows are now open. 请联系博士. 伦尼欧文报道.