
项目级别: 度,证书
部门: 联合健康和运动学
研究所: 健康 & 生物科学
RTW-Partner-Badge-Training-Provider-color.png RTW-Partner-Badge-Official-Partner-color.png

One or more of these 项目 are approved 准备工作 项目. 弄清楚你是否有资格获得免费的学费和就业安置服务,这将使你获得一个有需求的职业. 

Don’t wait; apply today!


What is the 牙科协助 program?

该课程通过协助各种治疗程序,为您提供护理牙科患者所需的技能和知识. 该计划还为您准备满足所有州和国家对牙科辅助职业的要求.


You’ll learn how to assist dentists by taking and developing dental x-rays; preparing and sterilizing instruments and equipment; helping patients feel comfortable 之前, during and after dental treatment; teaching patients how to maintain oral health with tooth brushing, flossing and nutritional counseling; office management tasks and more.

What can I do with this course of study?

When you graduate from the dental assisting program, you’ll have the certificates you need for a career as a dental assistant. 除了, 你的培训将使你能够照顾普通牙科和其他牙科专业的病人, 包括口腔正畸学, 小儿牙科, 牙周病和口腔外科.


This accredited program is a 3-semester, full-time day program that begins only in fall semester. 这个项目 has a maximum enrollment of 24 students. 除了学位课程之外, 囊还提供牙科辅助证书课程,为包括牙科放射科医生在内的工作做好准备, dental office manager and dental insurance rep.

An online guide for nursing and healthcare education (nursingprocess.org) lists 圣安东尼奥学院’s dental assisting program as No. 1在德克萨斯州. 牙科辅助项目是美国牙科协会在德克萨斯州认可的仅有的七个项目之一.


The 牙科协助 Program is a 3 semester, fall-entry只, full-time day program with maximum enrollment (24 students). Online eApplications are open from August 22, 2023 to May 26, 2024.

To be considered for full admission to our program you must complete Phases I, II, 第三,在截止日期前完成.

任何在项目截止日期前尚未完成所有要求阶段的新生必须重新在线申请,并由项目重新通知. Admittance into the program is on a space available basis. 这是学生的责任,以检查资格和接受状态的牙科援助计划. 不符合这些基本要求的学生将被转介给健康与生物科学研究所的辅导员.


1. 应用 & 注册圣安东尼奥学院

Applicants for the 牙科协助 program MUST be fully enrolled at 圣安东尼奥学院.


2. 满足课程要求

除了 to meeting the general admission requirements of 圣安东尼奥学院, 希望进入牙科辅助计划的秋季入学的学生必须满足以下课程要求:

  • Meet the program’s entry-level competencies, which are completion of MATH 0320 or a TSI score of 350 or higher or college level math (AAS), INRW 0420 or TSI-English: Essay 5 and Reading 351. 这可以通过适当的TSI测试得分或参加并通过课程来完成.
  • 平均绩点2.75或以上. 接受牙科辅助计划将在先到先得的基础上满足基本要求的学生, 观察时间, 和Complio.

3. 应用 to the 牙科协助 program

Complete and submit the 牙科协助 online application 之前 the deadline for consideration.

4. Attend Orientation and meet with a 牙科协助 faculty advisor

一旦您完成在线申请,将自动发送电子邮件给您,指示强制性信息会议的日期和时间. 请检查您的sym-biosis.net的电子邮件. Your ace email will be the official mode of communication between you and the 阿拉莫大学.

After the informational session each student will be advised individually. Plan your time accordingly; sessions may last all day.  


注意: You must provide a copy of your unofficial transcript for advisement.

5. 完整观察时数

2016年秋季生效, 所有对该项目感兴趣的学生在接受该项目之前都需要在普通牙科诊所观察5个小时(必须记录时间), attach office business card of where you observed and have it signed by dentist or office manager).

这个项目, along with our dental assisting advisory board, 我觉得这将有助于学生对项目的坚持,并让申请人更好地了解牙科助理在牙科诊所中的作用.

Hours must be completed by deadline.


提交 proof of the following pre-program requirements by the deadline:

  • Take and pass CPR-BLS Provider and submit copy of current CPR card to Complio. CPR is required for State and National Certificates (CPR-Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider).
  • 一份完整的项目健康评估政策包,包括:一份完整的更新免疫记录,包括乙型肝炎系列(乙型肝炎已完成(3)或正在进行中), needing only #3 in the series to be completed); PPD/TB screen (within one year); Td booster (if applicable); MMR; DPT. Additionally, Varicella or official documentation by a physician indicating active disease.
  • Proof of completed background check. (Complio)
  • 完成药物筛选的证明. (Complio)
  • Students must provide proof of health insurance throughout program. (Complio)
  • Dental prophylaxis with current dental examination with interproximal radiographs (4).
  • 牙医签署的x光检查单(18fmx /pano),表明你可能要照x光片.
  • Proof of ADAA Membership (fall and spring requirements)

注意: CPR is required for State and National Certificates. (CPR-劳工统计局供应商). 

The 二期 packet must be returned by the deadline in order to move to 第三阶段.


  • Attend the mandatory orientation in the summer prior to enrollment in classes.
  • Purchase of required textbooks and supplies.
  • 购买所需的磨砂膏.

注意: It is the student’s responsibility to keep in contact with the dental assisting advisor, 检查合格, acceptance status and register for their classes. 学生应该退学吗?, 失败, 或删除, 不管出于什么原因, they must reapply and be re-advised by dental faculty.  


A positive criminal background may prevent an applicant from obtaining RDA. The 牙科协助 program has nothing to do with the TSDBE decision.

All applicants with a positive criminal background report 必须提交 an appeal to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners and obtain a written waiver 之前 报名参加项目. 详情请咨询你的指导老师. 

访问 www.tsbde.德州.gov / CriminalHistoryEvaluationRDH.html


Commission on Dental 认证 Posting Form for Third Party Comments

这个项目 in dental assisting is accredited by the Commission on Dental 认证. 该委员会是美国教育部认可的专业认证机构. 联系牙科认证委员会电话:(312)440-4653或东芝加哥大道211号, 芝加哥, IL 60611. 委员会的网址是: www.艾达.org/en/coda.

牙科协助 Student Employment Policy


  • 强烈建议DNTA学生在参加牙科辅助计划时每周工作不超过20小时.
  • 在就业期间,必须保持学术标准,满足课程要求.
  • 学生在有偿工作中的表现是用人单位和学生个人的法律责任.

Dental Offices: A Guide to 合规 with OSHA Standards


玛丽·梅纳,BAAS, MSIS
钉子技术中心(NTC) 238A
(210) 486-1136

卡门·圣地亚哥,BAAS, CDA, RDA
牙科协助 Program Coordinator
Nursing Allied 健康 Complex (NAHC 134)
(210) 486-1502

Terry Young, MS, DLBT, RDA
Academic Lab Technician 牙科协助 Program
NAHC 142 d
(210) 486-1584
