
圣安东尼奥学院 has a number of councils and committees made up of administrator, 教师, 工作人员, 和/或来自学院的学生代表.     


教师参议院 advocates for 教师 and represents 教师 interests to college and community stakeholders.



The 参议院工作人员 represents classified and professional 工作人员 at 圣安东尼奥学院. 



The 兼职教职员委员会 serves as a forum for SAC's adjunct 教师 members.  


其他委员会 & 定期会议


大学英语考试及董事 is a monthly meeting with all of the members of the 学院行政团队(CET) and the leads of the 大学 Offices within the Student Success, 学术成就, 及书院服务部. 


The 学院行政团队(CET) meets every Tuesday and is comprised of the 总统 of the 大学, 副总统, 和院长们. 


The mission of the 区 Council of Chairs is to address the common concerns across the district related to department chairs. The primary function of the Council is to represent the concerns of chairs at the college and district level.
In general, the 区 Council makes recommendations about the following:  

  • 管理, including policy and 程序 for more efficient and effective operations of departments

  • 课程问题

  • 积极主动地管理整个地区的变化

SAC representatives meet with other district chairs the Second Monday of every month. 


The SAC 大学委员会 has the primary responsibility for reviewing and making decisions concerning policy, 程序, 规划, 项目评审, 课程回顾, 能力, 资源分配.

理事会在每月的第二个星期二举行例行会议 在视觉艺术中心120室. 会议对大学社区开放.

主席:主席、博士. Naydeen González-De Jesús
电子邮件: SAC-PRES@sym-biosis.net


联合主席 is a 关闭d meeting that takes places weekly and includes the academic deans and the Chairs from each of the 大学's 12 academic departments. 根据需要, other members of the college community may be invited or may request to present at the meeting. 



策略质素提升委员会 is led by the Office of Integrated Planning & Performance Excellence (IPPE) and meets monthly to review the 大学's Strategic Plan. 委员会向卓越表现院长汇报. 


Led by the Office of Student Life, the 学生服务费咨询委员会(SSFAC) 由九名成员组成, five students and four student alternates appointed by the Student Government Association, 四名由院长任命的教师代表. 

The Committee is charged with allocating the Student Activity Fee funds for programming, 活动, 事件, 赠品, 休闲体育, 校内的活动, 文化遗产庆祝活动.

SSFAC还每月审查学生的资助申请, 学生组织, 校园委员会, and 教师/工作人员 looking to develop an activity specifically for students. Some examples funding requests include: speakers, entertainers, student travel, and more. 

The committee meets on the first Thursday of each month to review requests.

Applications are due on the last Thursday of the month prior to the committee meeting.


有关如何提交请求或获取更多信息的信息, 请联系学生生活办公室. 


SGA代表学生的心声. SGA works to bridge the gap between the student, the 教师 and the administrators. SGA represents students in various ways: serving on 校园委员会, sponsoring 事件 that allow students to know what administration offices do, 在董事会会议上代表学生发言.



The 学生成功委员会 is made up of representatives from the Student Success division. The Council meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month and reports to the Vice 总统 of Student Success.


The 技术谘询委员会(交谘会) is led by the Office of Tecnnology Services and is comprised of 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. TAC meetings are held quarterly and address issues related to technology.