

2月23日出生, 1925; raised in Clevel和, OH; son of Charles 和 Louis (Stone) Stokes; married Jeanette Francis Jay, 8月21日, 1960; children: Shelley, 路易斯·C.安吉拉,洛琳.


Case Western Reserve University, 1946-48; Clevel和 Marshall Law School, J.D., 1953.


为美国工作.S. 财政部在克利夫兰,c. 1946-48; Stokes, Character, Terry 和 Perry (law firm), Clevel和, attorney, 1954-68; member of U.S. 众议院(民主党), 1968--; cofounder, Congressional Black Caucus; chairman, 暗杀特别委员会, 1977-79; member of Iran-Contra Investigating Committee 和 House Ethics Committee. 受托人:小马丁·路德·金. 社会变革中心. 军衔:U.S. 军队,1943 - 46.


路易斯·斯托克斯在美国的职业生涯的重点.S. House of Representatives has been to serve 和 defend those who may not be able to do so for themselves. Stokes has spoken out time 和 again for the rights of the poor, especially those in urban America. He has sponsored legislation to help people of color enter the intelligence community, 为穷人争取足够的住房, 和, 作为众议院拨款委员会的成员, oversaw the passage of the Disadvantaged Minority Health Improvement Act of 1989.

One of Stokes's most eloquent statements of his mission came early in his career in the House. While the rest of the country was celebrating the first man on the moon, 斯托克斯向国会发起挑战,要求他们记住那些被遗忘的人. 他说, as quoted by Christopher Maurine in his book Black Americans in Congress, “今天是我们重新审视国家优先事项的好日子, to evaluate the posture of the President of the United States 和 the goals which he has set for people here on earth.... 怎么了,先生. 演讲者, for instance does this Nation justify sending a man to the moon while we are still studying hunger...?" Louis Stokes knows about poverty, having grown up in an impoverished part of Clevel和. 就像当时许多贫穷的年轻人一样, 斯托克斯摆脱贫困得益于美国的援助.S. 1943年至1946年,他在陆军服役. 在他退伍之后, Stokes worked for the Clevel和 branch of the United States Department of the Treasury during the day 和 attended Case Western Reserve University at night on the GI Bill. Stokes received his law degree in 1953 和 began practicing in Clevel和.

到1968年他竞选国会议员时, Louis Stokes was the most prominent civil rights lawyer in Clevel和. 他还担任了他哥哥的主要政治顾问, 卡尔斯托克斯, mayor of Clevel和 和 the first African-American mayor of a major U.S. 城市.

在他的众议院生涯早期, 斯托克斯与许多保守运动作斗争, such as the Nixon Administration's attempts to weaken the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which enabled blacks to take full advantage of their voting rights. In refuting Attorney General John Mitchell's arguments on the floor of the House, Stokes asked members to consider what had happened in the Mississippi elections in 1969. After early assignments on the House Internal Security 和 教育 和 Labor Committees, 斯托克斯最终得到了一些非常重要的任命. In 1977 Stokes was appointed chair of the 暗杀特别委员会, 调查约翰·F·肯尼迪总统遇刺案的机构. 肯尼迪和马丁·路德·金牧师. The first black to head a congressional investigating committee with such a high profile nationwide. In 1987 和 1988 Stokes chaired the House Intelligence Committee 和 was a member of the Iran-Contra Investigating Committee.

Stokes was named to head the House Ethics Committee in early 1991. Stokes was thought by the leadership to be capable of sound 和 sensible guidance. Stokes's record on House ethics votes is fairly lenient, something he freely acknowledges. "My whole career has been one of fighting for the underdog," he told Congressional Quarterly. “我相信这反映在我的选票上. But I think that even more than that, my record for being fair is what makes people respect me."

Distinguished service award, Clevel和 NAACP; certificate of appreciation, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights; honorary degrees from Wilberforce University, 肖大学, 利文斯通学院, 莫尔豪斯学院, 和梅哈里医学院.
