
采用ing OER open access course materials is defined as incorporating previously published open access materials into one’s class, thereby eliminating the need for students to purchase textbooks or other course materials.


Five Steps to OER 采用ion by 社区 大学 Consortium for Open Educational 资源 licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 CC-BY International License.


How do I adopt Open Textbooks at 圣安东尼奥学院? 


Find the right OER material for your subject, Check out the resources on the 发现在 页面.  Familiarize yourself with sources by visiting various linked web sites.  Review and evaluate available textbooks. 使用 采用工作表 from the 社区 大学 Consortium for Open Education 资源.


Decide if you want to edit, modify the contents or use the textbook as is.  Review license agreement and provide attribution to the creator or copyright holder.


访问 with the 大学 Librarian and an Instructional Designer to discuss copyright issues, best format for distribution and course structure.


Get necessary approvals from your department chair and disseminate the open textbook to students within Canvas.


Distribute OER materials to your students.  也, 更新库, 它帮助台, college bookstore to ensure smooth delivery of open materials to students.  

Recommended OER Materials:

内容质量 精度
及时性 交互性
有利的评论 作者权威
Reading level and Writing Style 可访问性
语言 Copyright Restrictions
Platform Compatibility 文化背景