College Grants

Dr. Baser, Judy Camargo, and J. Castro

西北远景学院寻求外部资助机会,以加强, expand, 为学生营造良好的学习环境, faculty, staff, and community partners.



For more information, contact:

Judy Camargo
Director of College Grants and Development





Funding Source: U.S. Department of Education
Award Amount: $5 million
Cycle: 2022 - 2027
Project Director/ Principle Investigator: Dr. Prakash Nair
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Claudia Verdin
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Thomas Pressly

PLUS+STEM项目通过研讨会为学生提供服务, supplemental instruction, 带薪研究实习,津贴高达4200美元, advanced STEM equipment, mentoring, symposiums, forums, mental health support, and high school outreach.

该计划亦会与区内四年制高等教育院校合作,加强STEM衔接协议, 帮助NVC STEM学生建立一个更顺畅的转学过程,以促进他们的教育事业.



Funding Source: National Science Foundation
Award Amount:
St. 玛丽大学项目主任/主任/主要研究员:博士. Juan Ocampo
NVC Co-principle Investigator: Dr. Thomas Pressly
NVC Co-principle Investigator: Dr. Mary Zocchi

美国国家科学基金会改善本科STEM教育:西班牙裔服务机构(HSI)计划资助St. Mary’s will help implement FUERTE项目:培育本科教育、留校和转学环境. 拨款的目的是提高拉丁裔STEM领域的转移和毕业率. Mary’s University.

Check from NSF

Dr. 胡安·奥坎波,圣何塞大学机械工程副教授. 玛丽大学将担任整个资助项目的主要研究者(PI). Dr. Thomas Pressly, coordinator of the NVC Engineering program, will serve as the NVC principle investigator, coordinating curriculum alignment efforts, enhancements of transfer agreements, faculty training, 以及NVC STEM领域的课程开发.

Dr. Mary Zocchi, 凭借她在STEM教育和NSF的丰富经验, will serve as the NVC co-principle investigator, 并将收集和分析NVC研究方面的数据结果, conduct student focus groups, 并与圣玛丽医院合作,共同开发治疗方法(使用的方法或技术)



National Science Foundation Geology Grant

雷士将与UTSA合作,参与美国国家科学基金会的一项资助,旨在提高人们对地质领域和职业的认识, 并为希望在UTSA学习地质学的NVC学生提供更顺畅的转学过程. NVC的地质协调员Dustin Smyth将领导该公司的工作.

EcoLab Geology Site


College Readiness and Completion Models Program

Award Amount: $100,000
项目主任/主任/主要研究员:Caroline Kuyumcuoglu
Co-principle Investigator:
Co-principle Investigator:

NVC was recently awarded a $100,为学生提供额外的指导/辅导和学术支持. 2021年大学准备和完成模式计划的目标是实施, enhance, 并衡量影响大学准备和完成的最佳实践. 这笔赠款还将帮助学生在covid - 19环境下进行学习. 它将学生与大学资源联系起来,并通过一对一的辅导课程和由学术同伴教练推动的每周小组研讨会,使他们具备更好的组织和学术技能. NVC的Caroline Kuyumcuoglu将帮助领导这项赠款的工作.