

东北湖景学院 (NLC) celebrated the beginning of construction on its newest building, an 11,000 sq. 将于11月10日举行奠基仪式. The new Veterans Center will exp和 services 和 support to Veteran students 和 military-affiliated students 和 their families.

Employees, students, elected officials, 和 community partners celebrated with college officials. 


继续接受87家公司的投资th 德州议会, 东北湖景学院 (NLC) is the newest site for a Veterans Center within the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 (ACD). 获得7美元.700万美元用于新建退伍军人中心, the funds are part of the State of Texas appropriations provided to the 阿拉莫大学 for the 2022-2023 biennium. 参议员 唐娜·坎贝尔(区). 25)乔斯·梅纳德兹(区. 26) 随着 众议员伊娜·明哈雷斯 (经销. 124)支持为十大网赌正规网址官网的老学生提供这项重要的资助.

东北湖景学院 now begins constructing a building dedicated to providing services to active 和 retired military 和 their families that will provide a “one-stop” location offering a convenient central place for them to have direct access to academic 和 non-academic services such as:

  • 增加退伍军人的具体方向,学术和非学术编程
  • Enhancing career planning, training, job assistance search, 和 transitional services
  • Re-establishing a Veteran mentoring program that matches incoming Veterans with current students to support the transition process from military life to academia.
  • Incorporating private meeting spaces to discuss confidential matters such as disability claims, 好处, 针对退伍军人的宣传和紧急服务, 法律服务
  • Offering community space to host organizations 和 other events that support Veterans such as faculty support in the classroom, 军事文化, 学习方式.
  • More details on the building or for building renderings 和 photos from the ceremony, visit www.阿拉莫.edu/nlc/cip

“随着对退伍军人服务的需求持续增长, this st和-alone facility will create the best possible environment to support 东北湖景学院 student Veterans 和 their families 和 provide the opportunity for us to exp和 和 enhance the services we currently offer, 博士说. 维罗妮卡·加西亚,全国图书馆委员会主席. “We are located in one of the fastest growing regions in the state 和 with Joint Base 圣安东尼奥 (JBSA) R和olph as a neighbor, it is important that we provide quality veteran support services that increase access to education in the communities that we serve. 我要感谢民主党参议员唐娜·坎贝尔. 感谢她一直以来对东北湖景学院及其学生的支持.”

The new Veterans Center building will be constructed between the Brazos Student Union 和 the Fine Arts Building 这里的地图


另外, 在奠基期间, NLC was officially recognized by the Texas Veterans Commission for receiving the Gold 2022 Veterans Education Excellence Recognition Award (VEERA). The Texas State Legislature established the VEERA program to recognize public colleges 和 universities for their excellence in providing education 和 related services to veterans 和 the military-connected community (Tex. 政府. 法典第434条.252).