


东北湖景学院 completed the requirements for recognition at the Engagement Level by the Quality Texas Foundation (QTF) and was recognized at the recent Quality Texas Conference.

The Quality Texas Foundation assists organizations with continuous improvement efforts by utilizing the Baldrige Framework and since 1993, QTF has administered the Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE) as an independent non-profit corporation. Winning TAPE symbolizes that the organization is one of the best in the state of Texas based upon a very rigorous and robust process. QTF has also had many organizations also win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and lead all the other states in this area.

“This recognition is a collective effort that built on what the faculty, 工作人员, and administration do every day in support of improving the lives of our students,博士说。. Veronica Garcia, 东北湖景学院 president.

2016年7月, NLC received Pioneer Recognition from QTF and the Engagement Level is the next step in this process and involves submitting an Organizational Profile and a 10-page report, responding to questions in six categories and supplying results. The Engagement Level is for those organizations that have made a commitment to use performance improvement principles but are new institutions or are new in their performance excellence journey.

“I’m honored to be a part of 东北湖景学院 as we continue to excel and do great things for our students and the communities that we serve,加西亚补充道.

The next step for 东北湖景学院 is to submit for recognition at the Progress Level.

View the full list of 2018 Quality Texas Foundation Award recipients online 在这里

图(从左至右):李博士. 劳拉E. Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success, Dr. 维罗妮卡·加西亚,主席,博士. Tangila Dove, Vice President of 大学 Services, and Dr. 黛比C. Hamilton, Vice President for Student Success. They received the Engagement Level Award on behalf of 东北湖景学院.

东北湖景学院, established in 2007 is the newest of the five colleges in the 十大网赌正规网址官网区. 卓越教育中心, 东北湖景学院 combines innovative classroom instruction with hands-on experience to provide exemplary enrichment opportunities for students and the community. 东北湖景学院服务超过5人,000 students from northeast 圣安东尼奥 and surrounding communities – including Bexar, 烤盘, 和瓜达卢佩县.